Tuesday, July 23, 2019

As the Day Begins

I woke up this morning, with a biblical text moving through my mind.  That doesn’t always happen, so I paid extra attention as the new day was dawning.  And, this is that text:  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”  This is Romans 1:16 from the New Revised Standard Version.  The good news is powerful.  Even in his death on the cross—especially his death on the crossJesus shows us the power of God to bring salvation, to change lives, to transform our troubles, and to reach across the terrible divides that separate and destroy relationships.

This morning, the words that sound the loudest are these, “and also.”  The gospel is expansive in its reach.  It is not just for the salvation of the Jews; rather, it is also for the Gentiles, for the non-Jews, for the nations of the world.  The author is Paul.  The apostle was proud of his heritage, and rightly so.  But, he came to see that everyone—all others all around the world were also included in the gospel’s powerful grasp.  God loves and accepts everybody.  The outstretched arms of our Savior embrace all with life not just when we die, but right now.

This gospel is so different from the divisive, hateful rhetoric we hear blasted at us from our politicians and pundits in these days.  When trouble comes, it is so easy to point at someone else and make them our scapegoat.  Perhaps it is human nature to separate ourselves from others and to focus on our differences rather than to see the other person as our kindred.  All share the love of God.  All share the life of Jesus Christ.  All share the power of the Holy Spirit.

Well, it’s morning.  It’s a new day in an old world.  I choose to dwell this day with a verse of scripture that inspires me.  I will look for every opportunity to live the power of the gospel in my relationships—especially in my encounters with those who seem so different and difficult, those scary ones.  I will listen to them.  I will imagine loving them as God loves them.  I will do what I can while I can to stand with those who are ostracized, vilified, criminalized, and left to fend for themselves.  The gospel is power to change minds and open hearts.  The gospel is the power of God to change the world.  And, in fact, it has already changed me again today.

Thank you, God!  Thank you!

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