Monday, June 27, 2016

Churches in Bloom

Yesterday I had the privilege of being in worship with Northwood Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, as the congregation dedicated its restored building.  It was exciting to experience the hope and joy that are alive in this community of ministry and mission.  Friends and former members came "home" to testify to the role the church played in their lives.  While we do not worship our buildings, this place is made holy by its use--a place in which God gathers us, where walls are lowered and broken down, where friendships are constructed in Christ.  Northwood Congregational Church is a church in bloom.  God is doing great things here!

In the afternoon, I traveled to First Congregational Church of Croydon, United Church of Christ for the creation of a new covenant between the Grafton Orange Sullivan Association, First Congregational Church, and the Rev. Donna Lee Muise as the congregation's Pastor and Teacher.  It was a moving service of commitment that contained both laughter and tears.  The depth of relationship was evident in words of affection and appreciation, in promises made, in the new pastoral relationship that has begun.  This is a congregation that is building well on the foundation that others have constructed over many years.  There is anticipation and joy. First Congregational Church of Croydon is a church in bloom.  God is doing great things here!

The ministry to which I am called as the Conference Minister of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ leads me to rejoice in God who still creates and calls the church to new life.  Many today lament the state of the church.  I hear the Risen Christ calling us forth to new life and new ministries.  Today I rejoice in the buds and blossoms that are all around us in the 135 local churches of the New Hampshire Conference.  God is indeed doing great things here!

O God, it's another Monday morning.  Today my heart sings for joy, for I have seen your Spirit stirring in the congregations of this Conference.  I see the gift of your future emerging.  I see the beautiful ways you renew and resurrect your people--your joyful, hopeful servant Church--in this new day.  Thank you!  Amen.

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