Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day 2011

A tiny text keeps scrolling through my mind on this Labor Day. It is from Paul's letter to the church in Corinth. The words come as a conclusion to Paul's reminder about the resurrection:  "Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain"  (I Corinthians 15:58, NRSV).

There are those moments, sometimes seasons, when I begin to wonder, "Does what I am doing really matter?"  I have an aunt who has been known to ask some very piercing questions.  Several years ago she asked, "What is it you really do?"  My aunt knew about my practice of parish ministry.  She held her own pastors in high regard, having experienced their ministry.  She new about ministry.  "But what does a Conference Minister do? "

I remember my aunt's questions, in part, because I did not answer it well.  Perhaps that was because I had some role confusion myself.  Perhaps I had yet to value my own ministry in the "middle judicatory" setting.  So now, I'm going to answer the questions again: 
  • My labor is to serve the whole church by encouraging local churches and those who serve them. 
  • My labor is to speak the truth in love, even when there are those who think that is too challenging. 
  • My labor is to lead with courage and a passion for justice. 
  • My labor is to make peace--in the church as in the world. 
  • My labor is to be agent of diligent oversight and God's grace. 
This labor requires practice and hard work.  It will never come naturally.  It requires forgiveness for my own failures.  It requires perseverance especially when I am tempted to take off the stole.  It requires a daily walk with the One who was raised from the dead.  It requires that I continue to see the Christ in everyone--especially those who are in need of mercy and hope, and even in my enemies.

On this Labor Day, I also am remembering others--in the church and in our society--who worry about their jobs.  These are not carefree times.  I pray that we will join together through this difficult season, that we will help one another rather than blame one another.  I pray that everyone will be able to labor to make a livelihood.  I pray for labor that brings dignity and builds up our nation.  I pray for labor that blesses the world with peace.

There is another verse that stirs within me as I write these words.  I hear the melody of an old spiritual. 

Sometimes I feel discouraged
And think my work's in vain,
But then the Holy Spirit
Revives my soul again.

May it be so for all who labor and carry heavy burdens.  Indeed, it is!

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