Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee is poised to vote on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to take the vacant seat on our nation's highest court. Yesterday, the Senate committee held its final day of testimony on the Kavanaugh nomination, and the world watched and listened to the proceedings. It was a painful day.
The allegation of sexual assault brought by Christine Blasey Ford is disturbing. It shakes us to the core. It is not what we want to believe about our children, our daughters and sons, our fathers and mothers, or about ourselves. It challenges our idealistic notions of how we relate to one another. There is no illusion left.
Ms. Blasey Ford and Mr. Kavanaugh are both caught in a terrible drama that has been played out right before our eyes. We cannot go back. We cannot look away. We cannot be naive. This is real. There is no excuse to explain it all way.
Which testimony voiced yesterday is true is not mine to determine. I do not yet have enough information to make that call--if it were mine to make. What I believe is that the truth will prevail. It will finally be clear and it does matter. Mr. Kavanaugh may soon take his seat on the Supreme Court. Ms. Blasey Ford may soon fade from public attention. Life will go on. But, we all have a Judge--a Righteous God--before whose bench we must ultimately appear. Our deeds will be known and judged for what they are. It is the truth that will, finally, set us all free.
In the meantime, while there is yet time, I will work with our youth to do all I can to make sure they are safe and that their lives matter now . . . and into the future. Ministry with youth is not just about having fun, it is also about building character, helping them to make faithful choices, and laying a foundation for a lifetime. It is about teaching them to know and love God.
In the meantime, while there is yet time, I hope you will join me in supporting women and men whose stories are difficult to hear, stories that shake us to the core. Let us work for that day when sexual abuse, assault, misconduct, and violence are over for good. It does not have to be this way!
Righteous One, who knows our sad and sordid stories better than we know them ourselves. You know all the ways that we have been less than the people you have created us to be. Have mercy upon us! Bring your justice and your compassion near to Mr. Kavanaugh and Ms. Blasey Ford. Be with the senators who hold our nation's future in their hands now. Grant us all the courage to speak and act in ways that are just. We pray in the Spirit of that One who is our Judge and our Hope, even Jesus. Amen.
The allegation of sexual assault brought by Christine Blasey Ford is disturbing. It shakes us to the core. It is not what we want to believe about our children, our daughters and sons, our fathers and mothers, or about ourselves. It challenges our idealistic notions of how we relate to one another. There is no illusion left.
Ms. Blasey Ford and Mr. Kavanaugh are both caught in a terrible drama that has been played out right before our eyes. We cannot go back. We cannot look away. We cannot be naive. This is real. There is no excuse to explain it all way.
Which testimony voiced yesterday is true is not mine to determine. I do not yet have enough information to make that call--if it were mine to make. What I believe is that the truth will prevail. It will finally be clear and it does matter. Mr. Kavanaugh may soon take his seat on the Supreme Court. Ms. Blasey Ford may soon fade from public attention. Life will go on. But, we all have a Judge--a Righteous God--before whose bench we must ultimately appear. Our deeds will be known and judged for what they are. It is the truth that will, finally, set us all free.
In the meantime, while there is yet time, I will work with our youth to do all I can to make sure they are safe and that their lives matter now . . . and into the future. Ministry with youth is not just about having fun, it is also about building character, helping them to make faithful choices, and laying a foundation for a lifetime. It is about teaching them to know and love God.
In the meantime, while there is yet time, I hope you will join me in supporting women and men whose stories are difficult to hear, stories that shake us to the core. Let us work for that day when sexual abuse, assault, misconduct, and violence are over for good. It does not have to be this way!
Righteous One, who knows our sad and sordid stories better than we know them ourselves. You know all the ways that we have been less than the people you have created us to be. Have mercy upon us! Bring your justice and your compassion near to Mr. Kavanaugh and Ms. Blasey Ford. Be with the senators who hold our nation's future in their hands now. Grant us all the courage to speak and act in ways that are just. We pray in the Spirit of that One who is our Judge and our Hope, even Jesus. Amen.