Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
(Romans 15:7, NRSV)
In mid-November 2012, I had the privilege of traveling to Zimbabwe to experience the ministry and mission of our partner church, the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe. While there, we traveled to Mt. Selinda, the birthplace of the church in Zimbabwe. It is a beautiful place with a sanctuary and parsonage, school, hospital, and children's home. The ministry of the church is visible everywhere at Mt. Selinda.
Several years ago, when I was a local church pastor in the Missouri Mid-South Conference, I heard Tony Campolo speak at our annual meeting. Campolo, a powerful speaker with an evangelical heart, challenged us to care for the children of the world who are dying of hunger and hunger-related diseases at an alarming rate. He invited us to give him a scrap of paper with our names and addresses, which he forwarded to Compassion International, a ministry based in Colorado that serves the needs of children across the globe. I responded to that "altar call," and for many years gave monthly to support a child named Zonia in Bolivia. At the time, I did not realize our own church--the United Church of Christ--also had a child sponsorship program that is underwritten by Our Church's Wider Mission (Basic Support), so that every dollar donated for a sponsored child goes to that child's care.
In April 2013, Zonia turned 18 and was no longer able to remain in a sponsorship program. She became an adult. We pray that she is making her way in the world. At that time, we switched our child sponsorship offerings to the program of our denomination; and we specifically requested a child in Zimbabwe. Imagine my joy when the child who was identified for us lived at the Daisy Dube Children's Home at Mt. Selinda--a place whose children I had visited just five months earlier.

I have taken Witness to heart. A small monthly donation is sent to Global Ministries for his support--a symbol of the care and love I feel for this child, whom I may never meet. I pray that his dreams and hopes will be realized--that he will become the person that God calls him to be. There is a space in the world, a space in my heart, for Witness.
O God, send your Spirit upon Witness, your beloved child. Help him to grow in your friendship and grace, that his future may be filled with sustaining memories and abounding hope. Guide him in his life's journey that he may reach his goals and offer his own gifts for the life of your world. Thank you for this child and for all the children of the world. Amen.