Congressman Charlie Bass was interviewed after last week's tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado. The brief segment that was shared by Concord Patch moved me to write him the letter that is copied below. To listen, please follow this link: Concord-NH Patch: Bass Comment.
United States House of Representatives
Washington , D.C. 20515-2902
July 25, 2012
The Honorable Charles F. (Charlie) Bass
2350 Rayburn House Office Building
Dear Congressman Bass:
I listened with great interest to the recent comments you offered to Concord Patch about the tragic shooting in Aurora , Colorado . Yes, this was clearly the action of a “deranged, crazy individual,” but I believe we each have a responsibility to use our influence as citizens of the United States and as leaders in our respective communities to make our society safer for all.
Your remark that living in a free society requires that we “tolerate this kind of thing” and that you anticipate the Congress will only pass a resolution that condemns the acts and offers condolences to the affected families is not living up to your responsibility as an elected representative of the people.
Your view that this heinous crime is one that has to do only with individual freedom is deeply disappointing. I cannot believe that the authors of the Second Amendment to the Constitution envisioned a day when an AR-15 semi-automatic assault weapon with a 100-round drum would be available to our citizens. What purpose is there in protecting the absolute freedom of persons in purchasing and using such weapons?
Yes, now is the time to care for the grieving families of the terrible tragedy that occurred at the theater in Aurora , Colorado . That care must extend beyond condolences and heart-felt, pious prayers; we must ensure that other families across this nation do not experience a similar grief because of our attitudes that “tolerate this kind of thing” in the name of individual freedom.
As a member of the United Church of Christ in New Hampshire , I urge you to make our society safer for all, even if that means legislating appropriate limits on our individual freedoms. The words of the First Epistle of Peter come to mind, “As servants of God, live as free people, yet do not use your freedom as a pretext for evil” (1 Peter 2:16). Please use your position, not simply to pass a resolution, but to pass laws that make our society safer and saner for all.
The Rev. Mr. Gary M. Schulte